Xuwen Zhu's profile picture

549 Lake Hall
Department of Mathematics
Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115


Google Scholar

I am an assistant professor at Department of Mathematics, Northeastern University. In Fall 2019 I was a Uhlenbeck Postdoctoral Fellow in MSRI Microlocal Analysis Program. Before that I was a postdoc at Stanford and UC Berkeley. I obtained my PhD from MIT in 2015 under the guidance of Richard Melrose.

Here is my CV.

My research has been partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-2305363, DMS-2041823 (DMS-1905398 before transfer), Northeastern University TIER 1 grant, AMS-Simons travel grant, and AWM travel grants.

Research Interests:

Geometric analysis, microlocal analysis, partial differential equations, mathematical physics.

I am co-organizing the program “Special Geometric Structures and Analysis” at MSRI in Fall 2024.